Let's consider that matter is aware. It interacts, combines, recombines, falls apart. Just awareness. This happens all the time. It's when matter becomes self-aware (like the pile that makes us up) that's when we start pointing fingers, declaring which pile of molecules is more self-aware than another. Surely we are more self-aware than a rock. or a flower vase, or a fish (we think). The point here is that awareness begins at the atomic level or even sub-atomic level ... basically matter is aware of itself as a result of its nature, so it's no surprise that piles like us have that same property.
So, what's the bottom line? No biggie here. We are simply large bunches of matter exhibiting some awareness of the world around us. The more matter in the pile, especially organized, the more that pile seems conscious. But, what about the soul, you ask? There's room for the soul, if that's how you wish to perceive existence. However, there's no need to make things more complicated by introducing a belief system. Just look around you. We're all made of the same stuff, and that stuff clearly is aware of other stuff. It's actually quite a beautiful thought.